Day 4 - Stop new North Sea oil and gas

With recent flooding and more violent storms causing untold misery across the world and closer to home, you’d think that taking action on the climate crisis would be high up on our Government’s priority list. Right?   

However, Rishi Sunak has just approved Rosebank - the biggest undeveloped oil and gas field in the North Sea. Its CO2 emissions would contribute more to global heating than the annual emissions of the 28 countries lowest-income countries combined. The Rosebank oilfield is almost 3 times the size of Cambo - the oil field that people power successfully stopped in 2021. 

Approving Rosebank is a huge backwards step at a time when the UN and climate scientists are sounding the alarm that we can’t have any more new oil and gas fields without breaking our climate’s boundaries.  It doesn’t have to be this way.

We need the UK Government to stop approving new fossil fuel projects and instead invest in renewables and energy efficiency projects such as home insulation.  

Millions of people spent last winter living in cold, damp homes, and our continued reliance on expensive fossil fuels to heat our homes means unaffordable bills are here to stay unless the government acts now. We can’t just turn off the tap of North Sea oil and gas – oil and gas workers need access to jobs in green industries, and everyone needs affordable alternatives to using fossil fuels in our everyday lives. That’s why a Just Transition is so important, so that workers and ordinary people don’t lose out as we phase out fossil fuels.  

MP and MSP opposition was crucial to stopping the Cambo oil field project in 2021. Now, we need to do the same and convince MPs, MSPs and Ministers to reverse their decision on Rosebank. 

Want to see what your MPs current position is on new oil & gas? Have a look at our database. 

Regardless of your MPs past position on Rosebank, we need them to act now and urge the UK government to U-turn on Rosebank and reject all new oil & gas fields. You can take action today by sending an email to your MP or MSP, asking them to Stop Rosebank. You can send the suggested email, or even better spend a few minutes making it personal to you, your motivation and your current situation.  

If you get a response from your MP, let us know what they say here


Day 5 - Compassion or cruelty?


Day 3 - Peace and Goodwill to All (Including All Animals!)